Hi all… My name is Hassan. Before getting any further, I just want to give a quick introduction about me. And by profession I am an Electrical Engineer working in Dubai. I was a 40 a day regular smoker. I want to share my personal journey in the SMOKY WORLD and how I did leave smoking. I really have done quite a bit of research studies and collected personal experiences of my fellow smokers and non smokers. Ok let’s hit it….
Every time, somebody told me to quit smoking, I really… really felt bad…
So I just get rid of them (NOT smoking but the people) with my sarcastic comments like…
“So how about you get out of that drinking lately??” or
“How about you get out of that freaky eating habit of yours cuz you are already 20kgs over weight; you fatty???”, or
If I didn’t get anything to make a point, then my final counter strike weapon would be “You know what buddy? I think one should clean up their own mess before pointing out others’… what do you think??” I have always dressed up with angry and bitter as my first line of defense… Well it may be offensive, but then again, so as the truth. Everybody in some way is addicted to something like for e.g., Chocolate, Soft drinks, Tea, Coffee and/or sometimes as silly as internet, movies etc., or sometimes it’s very dangerous as drugs & other unwanted things. My point is, since it is just globally approved it doesn’t mean that it’s a good habit. That is the reason why all of you who are going to join this wonderful journey from a smoker to hundreds of PEOPLE WHO USED TO SMOKE.
When I started to write about this blog, only one thing came to my mind that I really wanted to help out those millions of (Oops… I don’t think that many would read this, so at least hundreds of) people who are smokers and will just leave smoking the moment they finish reading this blog…!!! Just like I did. So are you ready..?? What did you say??? Oh….!!! I get it, you are interested…. So let’s go further…
1. The One who want to quit smoking and lead a healthy life?
2. The One who want to quit smoking and don’t know how?
3. The One expert quitter, because you quit smoking like 100 times in a year?
4. The One who don’t want to quit, but just wondering what is this all about?
5. The One who have tried many ways of quitting smoking and failed?
6. The One who wanted to help your spouse, friend or your father or mother or some of your relatives to get out of SMOKING?
7. The one who just want to read something because you are bored in the office or home?
8. The One desperate house wife who want to get the hell outta smoking, because everytime you lit up a cigarette, you feel like… Oh God I wanted to quit this shit….??
9. The One who feels bad in front of your kids, because your breath was nasty because of cigarette?
10. The one who promised your spouse or your close friend that you would not smoke and so every time you lit up.. you really feel sick?
If your answer to any of the above questions is ‘yes’ then you may proceed to read further.
Apart from advertisements in the TV, I haven’t seen anybody in any corner of the world who are talking about the GOOD THINGS about Cigarettes; Well, as shown in some advertisements, I won’t say you will get a very good attractive partner if you SMOKE Marlboro cigarette…. There are some scientific facts there, for the ones who are out there saying “What does that crazy smoking gives you anyways..huh???” that really amazed me when I started reading about Smoking in the past 4 years. And I think I am getting pain already in the hand so I am gonna postpone the UGLY TRUTH to the next day… See you all tomorrow…!!!